The ‘Integrated System of Today’s’ Journal

"I hope to do,
What to do and how,
Does Tech nowadays so,
Can give it a bow."

Let’s talk about the previous 5-years, the way the shift has taken from the globalized Web 2.O to the Globalization on Web 3.O is certainly not normal.

” I Ashish Anand welcome you all to my Second Journal of my Blog Site and today the discussion will be on a common thing but an interesting take on it though.

There has been a great transition from Web 2.O to Web 3.O in last 5-years. Of course, the way Blockchain has set its value in market can be seen clearly with most small businesses and startups being related to AI or Web 3.O. You can clearly observe this on LinkedIn pages and profiles.

Let’s observe this with a chart given here

Source :- Pixelplex

Here the chart clearly gives an analysis on what are the basic changes in the W.W.W Era of today’s mordern time.

Following the chart, Web 1.O had only HTML as its basic element, while Web 2.O had addition in network and Dynamic HTML, JS, CSS and more. In WEB 3.O, Blockchain, AI, ML & Natural Language with DL, played the key role along with decentralization of data which commonly practiced in every related industry eagerly.

The thing which I like the most and concern about is distribution of data among everyone who is defined as user for the platform. Of course, Targeted Advertising and Powering by AI are the basic features which I accept and agree at some extent.

By the way above, these are my concerns about this Integrated System :-

Access of Data with each user :

The biggest issue with this fact is the misuse of data and rising influence of Deepfake AI which we know how badly can impact social life of people on various basis.

Unemployment rate :

Yup, I am an Economics man too. For me unemployment of people is something which I am not in favor on due to Web 3.O because a AI can not be that creative and innovative than a Human .

Control of AI and Cyber Security:

A major issue, and knowledge of it should be carried by every individual with basic info if in organization as for professional pursuit a team should be there. If you are an individual then Protection and Control should be carried with perfection along with your respective learning or working in the related field.

And so with this I like to off my pen with a fact that Using Web 3.O is great but management and understanding of it is much more important.

So by this Thank you and have a great day and with greeting enjoy the festive of colour week.

Namaste, Goodbye 👋!!!

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