Digital Marketing in WEB 3.O

What to wonder and how is not the matter, but talking about current scenario of Digital Marketing aligning with WEB-3.O1 is crucial to know.

" What to see in bee,
Is the fact of deed,
Digital marketing will see
A great future in WEB 3.O indeed."

Nowadays what growth we have seen in WEB-3.O is immense in comparison to previous sets. To know more about it in advance, go through my previous Blog below:

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I Ashish Anand welcome you all to my Third Journal which is on the most earning topic for any creator “Digital Marketing“.

"Web3 Marketing is a new evolution in digital marketing. It accompanies a shift from Web 2.0’s centralized data storage to Web 3.0’s decentralized data storage, which is intended to give control of data to users."


So clearly it’s set that Web3 Marketing Strategies are something new to observe.

Even I have also seen that more than 50 Connections on my LinkedIn Account are Web-3.O influencers, enthusiasts or developers & marketing strategists (Till date of publishing).

Well what digital marketing includes in WEB 3.O is huge but a basic summary is given below :

  • Follow the latest headlines and updates on Web-3.O
  • Understand the keytools of NFTs, Blockchains and Data Decentralization
  • User or Consumer data stats should be used with security
  • Piracy views should be used in data decentralization and marketing strategies
  • Optimize UX and Backend Web-3.O and track marketing strategies and World Wide Graghical Data Analysis
  • As per data distribution, soon in 5 years Web 2.O will be displaced in great percentage from now.
  • Knowledge of mix of aids and channels is essential for growth

And now the most important where to perform marketing and grab audience ?

Well the three most important platforms are LinkedIn, Discord and Telegram. You must try to own in these to rule up in WEB 3.O in future.

Well at last the query must be what to prefer in WEB 3.O in beginning, so to best in support are:

  • Artificial Intelligence2
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Data Decentralisation Basics
  • Semantic Web Support
  • IoT Knowledge
  • Developing Blockchains and NFTs

Thus here I end my journal by concluding that digital marketing in WEB 3.O is a good way in future from now. So,by this end a great day wishes to you and your family!! Namaste 🙏!!

More Posts on Keywords of Journal :-

  1. WEB 3.O ↩︎
  2. Artificial Intelligence ↩︎

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